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LAW 96
Approach to francization (Law 96)

Does your business need to comply with the French language reform, Law 96?

The answer is yes, if the company has more than 25 employees. Companies with fewer than 25

people must comply as well, but only certain aspects.

French is the only official language in Quebec . In all sectors of activity,

documents, contracts, communications, employee manual, job postings, website,

databases, workstations, customer service, invoices… and even labeling must

always be in French.

Companies with more than 100 employees should already be compliant since 2023. These

must now form a French language committee of at least six people who must

meet at least twice a year. Each minute of these meetings must be

transmitted to the company management and to the Office of the French Language.

Companies with 50 to 99 people must also be compliant now . However, these

Companies do not have to create a French language committee. Companies with between 25 and 49 employees

have until June 1, 2025 to do so. You have 6 months left to do so if this is your situation.

All companies must, without exception, comply or face fines. For a

natural person they can vary between $600 and $6,000 and from $1,500 to $20,000 for

a legal entity. Please note that proof of compliance is now required to respond

to government tenders or to access subsidies.

To comply, you must first request your certificate of

compliance with the Office. Once you receive the certificate, you must demonstrate your compliance

by completing a form that you will have to return to the Office which will confirm or not your compliance.

IJ Group supports you in your efforts to achieve compliance and will keep you informed

current on modifications and amendments made to the Charter of the French language in

the future.

Business Team
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